Sean Cho

Sean is a passionate, creative, thought provoking leader with 8 years of experience across the industry in Oceania In his current role as Key Account Manager, Sean is responsible for strengthening our relationships of key stakeholders across Australia, and oversees the developments of's Short Term Rental Segment.

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Key Account Manager,


Catch the speaker at these sessions
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October 9, 2024
Expert Panel
Key Takeaway Panel
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14:15 - 15:00
October 9, 2024
Expert Panel
Driving Demand Panel
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13:45 - 14:15
October 9, 2024

More information coming soon.

Sean Cho

Some of our speakers

You'll be in great company!
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Bart Sobies
CEO & Founder, iBooked Online
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Vanessa Sciortino
Founder Quartz Legal
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Price Labs
Price Labs
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Matthew Rose
Country Manager, RoomPriceGenie